The New KARDS Contributor Program
almost 2 years ago
Hello KARDS players!
Welcome to the new KARDS Contributor Program!
Originally launched in 2019, the KARDS Contributor Program (KCP) provided the framework within which the relationship between 1939 Games and the various KARDS contributors was formalized. This allowed us to better support and collaborate with KARDS creators and other contributors with the overall goal of enriching the KARDS community.
We recognize that support for this program has dwindled over the course of the last several months. After a thorough review of the existing program and potential improvements, we are now launching an updated version of the KCP, to provide support to a wider range of contributors, with benefits and perks for potential contributors and, ultimately, the larger KARDS community.
Read on for more information about the KCP structure, benefits, requirements, and how to join!

KCP Structure
The KCP has several categories, based on the specific type of content a contributor creates or engages in. These groupings are created to help 1939 Games best meet different contributors’ needs. A contributor may belong to several categories if they produce several types of content that fit into several categories.
The KCP is categorized as follows:
Live streamers (e.g. KARDS streamers on Twitch)
Video creators (e.g. KARDS video creators on YouTube)
Community event organizers (e.g. KARDS themed art competition organizers)
Tournament organizers
Fan site runners (e.g. blogs or language-specific social media pages)
Community guides
If you are creating content that you feel doesn’t fit into any of these categories but would still like to participate in the KCP, please let us know! We’d love to try and figure out how we might be able to support you in creating your content of choice.
Benefits and Perks
Whether you are at the beginning of your contributor career, or if you’re already a veteran, the support from 1939 Games and the KCP community can be incredibly valuable. You can find assistance in various circumstances and support in creating a wide range of content or events.
The KCP may grant access to a number of different benefits, such as:
Giveaway codes for card packs or draft tickets
Visual media, such as artwork or stream/video scene transitions
Promotion of your content through official KARDS social media channels or the KARDS Steam page
The “KARDS Official Contributor” logo you can use to show your status as an officially supported community contributor

We encourage contributors to grow together with KARDS. The KCP community and 1939 Games are here for you!
There are only a few requirements to become and stay a KCP member (and as such an official KARDS Contributor):
Have some content ready to show us when you apply.
Your content needs to be related to KARDS.
Your content needs to be of some value to the community (e.g. entertainment, educational, participative).
As an official KARDS Contributor, we expect you to be respectful.
License. The KCP Contributor License creates the framework around which official KARDS contributors work within, so if you’re thinking about applying for the program, make sure you familiarize yourself with this.
Activity. Once you’ve joined the program, we expect a minimum level of activity to remain within it. If you’ve created no content or otherwise contributed to the community through avenues in which you were originally admitted into the program for an extended period, we may revoke your Official Contributor status. We understand that sometimes people’s lives can get busy and we want to be as understanding of that as possible! So if you foresee an extended period of inactivity and would like to remain in the program, please reach out to us and we’ll figure something out. You can also always reapply for the KCP if you return to the game after extended inactivity.
Content. As a KCP member, we expect a significant portion of your content to be KARDS related. We understand that you may be interested in other games and encourage you to try them! But as a member of the KCP, we ask that KARDS be one of your main focuses.
Joining the KCP
Joining the KCP is easy! We only have a few requirements and rules listed above.
To ensure the continued high quality of community contributions, the integrity of the program, and to avoid misunderstandings or frustration, we reserve the right to decline applications.
Please fill out an application here: KCP Application Form