A New Skirmish Event is Live
over 1 year ago
A new Skirmish event is live now until September 24th!
Here’s everything you need to know.
Skirmish is a special game mode, easily accessible from the main screen, where you play with an alternate set of rules. These rules vary between the Skirmishes; you’ll face something different at every new Skirmish event.

Get ready for some thrilling matches with these Skirmish rules:
Each player randomly gets 1 of 5 decks to battle with.
There is 1 deck per main nation.
All decks were submitted and voted on by the community in the Skirmish Decklist Event.
Check out the decks selected and descriptions provided by the deck authors below. Note that some of these decks may contain cards currently in the Reserve pool.
RA95.exe’s Frontline Retreat
Description: This deck is a US/Italy frontline deck with the L6/40’s ability to retreat your units on demand being showcased. Mobilization provides some draw, but the real draw happens when you purposefully retreat your units to get their powerful deployment effects back. Highroll and buff your L6/40 on turn 2 and win to your opponent’s consternation.
Deck import code: %%57|fNbEj4d8cDj2fGcxbx;cKbwcWczcFdacr;bncVbIgW;5l
NonGMOSalt’s Exile Air
Description: A fast tempo air deck without Swordfish! PZL P.11 on turn 1 and the world is your oyster. This deck also includes a DIY Guard unit kit via the SPITFIRE Mk. V PL. This deck is a perfect fit for the BALUCH REGIMENT, which heals you, gives you a body, and is the perfect fit to turn into a guard unit! The SEA PATROLs are also very useful with their cost reduction. Have fun!
Deck import code: %%28|06iw0m;mk0jiJjTlhiFjp;iIgw1c08jUiB;jq
Baron von Glower’s Siberian Transfer OTK
Description: In the realm of strategic dueling, behold the awe-inspiring magnificence of 'Siberian Transfer OTK', a transcendent One-Turn-Kill Deck that radiates an aura of invincibility. This enigmatic deck dances on the precipice of eternity, masterfully stalling the unfolding narrative of the duel until the stars align. With a mesmerizing symphony of calculated moves, it unveils its ultimate trio of cards: the resplendent SIBERIAN TRANSFER, the enigmatic URA, and the grand culmination of destiny, FINAL PUSH. This extraordinary combination defies opposition, rendering nearly all countermeasures impotent against its unparalleled prowess. Prepare to bear witness to an unparalleled feat of strategic brilliance, where victory is etched in the cosmos itself.
Deck import code: %%42|7UkpjY918Y88jz8c03jA7S0n99g586fr81;8dg80E0d8j;08857Ok0;
Midnight Seberty’s Propaganda Burn
Description: This deck is a combo burn style heavily reliant on cheating Kredits. It is therefore usually vital to get down RIDE OF THE VALKYRIES as soon as possible, as this is a repeatable source of additional Kredits. The deck likes to dump hand with cheap powerful burn cards (chiefly PROPAGANDA) and draw a large number of cards with ENIGMA/PHONEY WAR. Use countermeasures and removal in the early game, draw through your deck, ignore slow units and go face.
Deck import code: %%16|3Yia31i0353N;hXgJ2i2ZgQlG393e2U3X;2O37eW;i3
Description: This deck offers a high skill ceiling to play because finding lethal or the best plays often is not apparent. However, when you find the correct line, it is very rewarding.
Early game: Try to control the board and build up enough units. Remember to play your cards before attacking with the SAKURA REGIMENT to get +2 attack. Maintain control of the frontline and save your removal for enemy bombers and artillery first. Draw with EXPANSIONs or by using BLOODY SICKLEs on your own 33rd RECON.
Mid game: Try to find an opportunity to play COUNTER OFFENSIVE to win or deal a large amount of damage. COUNTER OFFENSIVE works best on Fury units. Remember you can use LIGHTNING CONQUEST to move and attack for a massive turn!
Late game: Try to keep looking for more opportunities for a late COUNTER OFFENSIVE or try to find lethal with one of the elite Japanese planes.
Deck import code: %%34|m6im7b7x5xmghHjY6B5V6z6y;7r796U998c6C;hI7M5ZjR7H;
Claim victory in this special Community Decklist Skirmish and earn a random card pack as your first win reward!
Access the Skirmish event from the game's main screen or from the Play menu to get a detailed overview of the game mode, rules and prize.
This Skirmish is available from Friday, September 22nd (12:00 GMT) until Sunday, September 24th at 18:00 GMT. Join this special event and win your Skirmish to claim victory and the spoils!
Please let us know what you think of the event in the comments below or on the KARDS Discord.
See you in the Skirmish this weekend!