The KARDS Battle Pass
over 1 year ago
Hello everyone!
We’re thrilled to announce a brand new KARDS system arriving in the November patch, alongside the Winter War expansion: the KARDS Battle Pass!
What’s the Battle Pass?
The battle pass is a monthly pass that lasts from the first day of a month to the last day of that month. The battle pass comes with a range of perks that enhance your KARDS experience, from faster progression to a range of exclusive cosmetic items. You’ll be able to check the status of your battle pass in a new icon coming to the top bar.
The battle pass offers numerous significant benefits:
30% XP boost
Zoom through national progression with a 30% XP boost. Add on a medkit for a combined 130% boost to advance at incredible never-before-seen speeds!
Extra daily mission
Gain an extra mission every day for more fun and the opportunity to earn more gold every day.
Extra free daily card in the shop
Double the free cards every day, claimable from the in-game shop! Surplus cards (duplicates) will add to the progress of your brand new weekly crate.
Crate tier level up
Your weekly crates throughout the month will automatically be one tier higher when opened (if not already max tier).
Exclusive alternative art
Get a brand new alternative art, exclusive (not available in the shop) for at least a year from the pass.
Exclusive board item
Get a brand new board item, exclusive (not available in the shop) for at least a year from the pass.
Exclusive extra style emote
Get a brand new special emote that pops out with extra style, exclusive (not available in the shop) for at least a year from the pass.
Exclusive card back
Get a brand new card back, exclusive (not available in the shop) for at least a year from the pass.
All the contents described above are included in this monthly pass at a price of 11.99 USD, providing immense value at any time of the month, but especially for those buying the pass in the first half of a month. Any cosmetics are added to your account immediately upon purchase. The XP boost, extra daily mission and extra free daily card can be collected throughout the period that the monthly battle pass lasts for - from the day that you purchase the pass and until the final day of that month.
December Pass
In addition to all the extra daily rewards and XP boost, the December battle pass includes the following cosmetics:
Board item: Flare Gun
Extra style emote: VICTORY... OR DEATH!
Alternate Art: B-17 FLYING FORTRESS
Cardback: 8th Artillery Winter

We are thrilled to provide you all with amazing additional value to your KARDS experience through the battle pass every month. Join us on Discord and let us know what you think about the new battle pass!