First 2025 Expansion Tournament ahead!
vor etwa 1 Monat
Attention KARDS players!
The first Expansion Tournament is ahead!
February 15th - Swiss Rounds 12:00 GMT
February 22nd - Round of 8 Finals 11:00 GMT
Over the course of the next two weekends, 32 players will be battling out to see who will be the first winner in the new KARDS eSports tournaments, earning the lion’s share of the 3000 USD prize pool.
This will be a highly competitive event, where players must showcase their skills and strategic thinking to come out on top.
Swiss Rounds - February 15th @ 12:00 GMT
Each player will bring 3 decks to the tournament with different main nations. There will be 5 rounds of swiss. Players will play each round in a best of 3 conquest with no deck bans. The final result top 8 players from swiss will be qualified for the Round of 8 Finals.
Round of 8 Finals - February 22nd @ 11:00 GMT
All games will be a best of 5 with one deck ban. This is a single elimination bracket, however, there will be a match for third place.
You don’t want to miss this EPIC broadcast event! Join us on Twitch, where you'll be able to enter the stream giveaway for your chance to win card packs or tickets to claim in-game!The Expansion Tournament features the cream of the KARDS players. Make sure to tune in so you don’t miss any of the top level plays made by our expert players. Deck codes will be available on the stream which you can grab and try out yourself!