LIVE NOW: New Card Set Structure and Content Cycle
almost 2 years ago
Hello everyone!
We have some exciting news to share with you: the Reserve pool and new card set structure have been implemented and are now live for all players!
This change marks the first step towards a regular content release cycle, which includes a major expansion in summer and winter, each containing new features and around 80 new cards, smaller content releases in spring and fall, as well as the new card rotation.
What Has Changed For You?
Reserve Pool: Five cards have moved into the new Reserve pool of cards. Read more about the Reserve pool in our dev blog: The Cycle of KARDS.
Core Packs: All cards, apart from the latest expansion, Legions, can now be acquired through Core packs.
Removed From the Shop: World at War bundles have been removed from the Shop. Theaters of War campaigns have been temporarily removed as well but will return at a later date with a revamped structure that doesn’t contain the reward cards and costs significantly less.
The five cards that are now in the Reserve pool are:
QF 40mm Mk III

Now that these cards are in the Reserve pool, that means:
You cannot enter the queue for a Casual or Ranked PvP game with a deck that contains one of these cards. The deck is still in your deck list, but cannot be selected when entering this gamemode, with a banner specifying that the deck contains a Reserve pool card.
You can use a deck containing Reserve pool cards in AI training matches or in challenge matches against friends. Later on, we aim to introduce a new PvP gamemode where you'll be able to use all cards, including those in the Reserve pool.
You can still create any card in the Reserve pool. Note that these are not shown by default in your Collection - navigate to your filters panel and tick the appropriate checkbox to show Reserved cards.
What Are the Next Steps?
This change marks the first waypoint in our journey towards a regular content release cycle, which includes a card rotation. You can read more details about this in our dev blog Coming Soon: New Card Set Structure and Content Cycle.
The next waypoint on this journey will happen with the summer release, where we release a new major expansion, which will contain around 80 new cards. At that time, an equal number of cards are moved to the Reserve pool as cards that arrive with the new release. We plan to release another major expansion towards the end of the year introducing another large batch of new cards similar in size to the summer release. For that winter expansion, some cards in the Reserve pool may re-enter the active card pool. You can read more about this long term plan in Director of Game Design Keli’s dev blog: The Cycle of KARDS.
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Also included in this patch are some general improvements and several bug fixes, related for example to the user interface, some visual issues, and card bugs. Thank you for reporting the issues you locate in the game and providing us with your feedback!
Fixed some issues with incorrect audio effects.
ENEMY SPOTTED: Fixed an issue where the ability did not trigger when the enemy took the frontline and PZ. BEFEHLSWAGEN 35T was added to it from the enemy's hand.
IMPERIAL DECREE: Fixed an issue where it buffed all orders with the "Deal damage" ability during the player's turn instead of only the next issued order.
RUSH PRODUCTION: Fixed an issue where friendly German units with 1 defense were not correctly destroyed when deployed.
SMOKESCREEN: Fixed an issue where units with Smokescreen could end up in the frontline in some cases.
Cards with targeting on deployment: Fixed an issue where they caused visual irregularities when dropped and dragged around quickly.
Targeting arrow: Fixed an issue where it was not correctly updated in some cases.
Wildcards: Fixed an issue where players could not create new cards and received an error that they already had the maximum number of this card in their collection (even though the collection showed different).
5th RANGERS: Fixed an issue where they were visually wrongly shown halfway in the frontline after deployment.
LONDON HQ: Someone forgot to close the blackout curtains. Fixed an issue where it was too bright.
Collection: Fixed an issue where the "New" marker was not displayed on all new cards in the "Collection" menu after finishing battles in the starter campaigns.
Deckbuilder: Fixed an issue where alternative card artwork was not working correctly shown in the deck builder.
Deckbuilder: Fixed an issue where, in some special cases, you didn't see all available cards in the deck builder.
UI: Fixed an issue where some UI elements were not correctly shown (e.g. size was incorrect).
That’s it for now. As always, we welcome your feedback! Please join us on the KARDS Discord and let us know what you think.